Chlo's fave group is Free Parking!. They've liked FP since they found out about it from their friend, Ben. Their favorite albums of FP are "Made In High School" and "Asuka". One honorable mention is definitely "Weekends". Except for a couple songs, Chlo didn't like "Songs For Disabled Girls" very much.
Unfortunately, Free Parking doesn't have that many music videos. Of all the FP videos, Chlo likes the My Girlfriend is a Robot video for it's boy band-ish, rocking out appeal. Chlo likes the boy band punk style a lot. While Chlo doesn't appreciate how most of the videos are just cut up clips of other films and shows, they must admit that they're still entertaining, and mostly fit with the style of the song itself. Like Germany. Germany is a very "angry" sounding song, so the girl freaking out and going nuts and all that fits well with the lyrics of Brendan freaking out and going nuts and all that.